Health & Nutrition

Residents receive guidance from an UNR Cooperative Extension instructor. The lesson plans combine hands-on learning, applied science, and data to ensure program effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability. 

Nutrition Education by EFNEP from UNR Cooperative Extension

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) is the nation's first nutrition education program for low-income populations and remains at the forefront of nutrition education efforts to reduce nutrition insecurity of low-income families and youth today.

Length: 2x per week for 4 weeks, totaling 8 lessons. Each class is 1.5 hours. The course has recently been expanded to 9 lessons and LGH will have its first 9 lesson course in November.

This course is taught in person at LGH by an instructor from UNR Cooperative Extension. The lesson plans combine hands-on learning, applied science, and data to ensure program effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability. The instructor demonstrates how to prepare different ingredients, portion control, the dish’s nutritional value, and its ingredients. Program participants learn how to read food labels, save money on groceries, plan meals, safely handle food, make healthy food choices, and be more active. After the 9-week course, residents who have attended at least 7 of the 9 classes leave with a certificate of completion and a bag of kitchen tools, including a cutting board, meat thermometer, measuring cups and spoons, dish scrubber, recipe book and shopping list notepad. 

Everyday Cooking with the Las Vegas Culinary Academy

The Culinary Academy of Las Vegas (CALV) is a nationally recognized nonprofit hospitality training institute offering 16 different programs in hospitality work, digital and employability skills training, and language instruction. Our mission is to train people for successful, family-sustaining careers in the Las Vegas hospitality industry. We work to reduce poverty and eliminate unemployment by providing vocational and job-readiness training to youth, adults, and displaced workers.

Grocery Shopping Class

This course is offered once a month and teaches residents on how to be cost-effective when shopping for food. This includes learning about coupons, sales, and store loyalty programs. Additionally, residents will practice grocery shopping, and the bill is split between residents, so habits of food ownership are not formed.

Family Nutrition Class

This course fills education gaps not addressed in a standard nutrition class, providing the necessary knowledge to raise and feed a child. This includes lessons on types of food that can be consumed, breastfeeding, feeding children at infant and toddler age, nutrition for pregnancy, and nutrition for those with diseases such as diabetes.

Women’s Health

This class helps to provide residents with education about STIs, including a safe space for discussion. This class also provides residents with conversations about using non-chemical birth control options, including condoms, abstinence, natural family planning, rhythm, and pull-out methods.

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